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Humanitarian Security Trainings

At PMO Excellence, we deliver a diverse array of security training programs tailored to meet the unique needs of humanitarian actors across the globe. Our offerings include Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT), Crisis Management Training, and specialized Security Focal Point training. These programs are tailored to the realities that humanitarian actors face, are adapted to fit the budgetary constraints of grass roots organisations, and are designed to equip individuals and teams with the knowledge, skills, and preparedness necessary to navigate challenging environments they may face in the future.

Hostile Environment Awareness Training (HEAT)
In the past 18 months, PMO Excellence has successfully conducted over 22 consecutive trainings, averaging more than one per month. The majority of these sessions were held in Poland, focusing on preparing humanitarian organizations' staff for assignments in Ukraine. Additionally, trainings took place in Lebanon, Ukraine, Nigeria, and the Netherlands.

Our approach is to provide realistic training using tools that staff can apply in the field. Improvisation is a key element, along with tools for psychological first aid and stress management. Our modules on warfare include International Humanitarian Law and its practical implementation in the daily tasks of humanitarian staff members.
 (CMT) Crisis Management Training
The 6 P's to CMT's: Prior Preparation and Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
At PMO Excellence, our expert trainers have participated in, managed, and on occasion, been the subject of crisis during our careers. We therefore understand the importance of getting the fundamentals right when crisis strikes.
It is our belief, much like that of our clients, that hosting regular trainings at both field and HQ level, are the keys to success.
As such, PMO Excellence provides Crisis Management Trainings, at a cost-effective rate, both online and in-person, over a 1 or 2 day course 
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Security Focal Point (SFP)  and Security Advisor Course

Within the humanitarian community, the responsibility of advising on security matters often falls on the hands of a nominated person, as either their secondary function, or as a primary role other than that of their main professionAt PMO Excellence, we believe that it is essential for individuals being tasked with responsibility of security to have the right tools at hand.


With our bespoke Security Focal Point (SFP) and Security Advisor courses, PMO Excellence is able to provide the foundation to appropriately prepare your organisation's security personnel for the challenges to come; at an incredibly cost effective rate.


There is no minimum sign-up number, 2x instructors will be included within the fee, and the modules taught over our Two or Three day course and include the following themes:

  • Principles of Security Risk Management

  • Access to our bespoke Risk Assessment formats tools

  • Duty of Care for national staff and visitors

  • Travel tracking and preparation of travellers

  • Security under International Humanitarian Law 

  • Principles Safeguarding

  • Risk Thresholds

  • Practical Exercises


All participants will leave with a PMO Excellence issued certification, additional help-line support for up to 1 month after completion of their course, and of course, supporting documentations and tools that will set them up for success within your organisation!

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Everdonk 32
4824 CB Breda NL


+31 (0)6 405 99 189


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